News Hot Report-How to use pipe correctly

 How to use pipe correctly

The first step: When buy a new pipe, blow it first. Clean the dust and wood-shavings inside.
The second step: Preparation.Prepare the tobacco, a tobacco cutting knife, a tobacco box, a ashtray and a lighter.
The third step: Pack the pipe. Hold the pipe with the stem outside by one hand, put some tobacco into the pipe slightly by another hand. You can use your fingers to touch instead of to press it, repeate 4 - 5 times till the tobacco will not concave down when touch it. Then take a pinch of tobacco to put into the pipe a bit harder and give it a whirl with your thumb hold down the pipe mouth. now the packing is finished.
The fourth step: The first ignition.You need a lighter to ignite the tobacco for the first time. Move the flame around the surface of the tobacco while drawing gently until evenly lit, then tamp it gently with a tamper. Let it go out, then relight the same way. this moment the method of smoking is first absorb and then blow. Then use the cutting knife to press the tobacco which is not burned, and outwell the ashes. Now we have established a burning zone.
The fifth step: The second ignition. This time you should allow “blow the first, and abosrb the second”. Be attention that don’t abosrb the smoke into lungs. Make the smoke in your mouth for a while, and then spit it out. Remember a smoke should  come in from the mouth and out from the nose. This is the real pipe smoking and the enjoyment of tobacco.
The sixth step: Enjoyment of the bobacco. Remember this time absorb first, blow second, all like the previous step. If there is a glass of wine or a cup of coffee, then it is the so-called ” the pipe wine life”. You should press with the smoke knife every 10 minutes, and outwell the ashes, then smoke it again. A real pipe smoker need an hour and more to smoke a pipe of tobacco, which can be divided into five layers, the upper four layers could smoke, while the fifth layer is not, because it is full of tar and tastes so bitter.
The seventh step: Clean the pipe. A pipe used for one hour should cool for two hours to use again. You should clean it every night. After the pipe cooled, the bucket and the handle should be seperated. Remember slightly screw up the handle clockwise (not by pulling) and inti anti-clockwise, or your pipe may be broken. Put the filter into the alcohol to wash it, use the tissue to wipe the whole pipe. Watch out the inner wall of the pipe, do not use the smoke knife to scratch, so there will be a layer of charcoal to protect pipe wall little by little.